This information is for return shipments to Hoechberg, Germany, only. If you have return shipments to other Vyaire facilities, you might need to follow different regulations and use other labels. In case of any questions please reach out to your Vyaire Representative.
Dangerous Goods

Dangerous Goods
Vyaire manufactures and markets products powered by lithium ion (UN3480 and UN4381) and lithium metal (UN3090 and UN3091) batteries which are internationally classified as “dangerous goods” for shipping and handling purposes. In the event a Vyaire product containing lithium ion or lithium metal batteries needs to be returned to Vyaire, there are specific procedures that must be followed. In the eyes of the law, the shipper is responsible to ensure the product is packaged and labeled correctly.
There are a number of considerations that must be accounted for in determining what packaging and method (ground, air, sea) to use when transporting lithium batteries. Transport of these items is governed by a number of United Nations (UN) regulations (UN3480, UN3481, UN3090 and UN3091), as well as rules set by various transport bodies (including the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and others).
To support our customers for the safe return of these goods, we have created a set of guidance documents specific to each battery type to assist you in understanding what you must do. Each is intended as a guide and not a replacement for UN regulations, and other applicable rules and laws. The customer/shipper is responsible for complying with all applicable requirements.
If you have questions regarding transport of dangerous goods, please contact your preferred transportation company.
If you have questions regarding the type of battery that powers your Vyaire product, please email
Shipping Information
- Return Shipment: Analyzer
- Return Shipment: Lithium Ion
- Return Shipment: Parts containing Lithium Ion
- Return Shipment: Parts containing Lithium Metal