CardioSoft ECG

CardioSoft ECG
CardioSoft is a CAM-USB hardware, PC-based 12-Lead ECG system that is the perfect extension of your metabolic cart, providing you with clinical excellence for complete cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET).
The CardioSoft ECG system is a comprehensive system for precise acquisition, evaluation and reporting of your ECG data, but it is also surprisingly easy to use. Everything is on the main testing screen and quickly accessible with a simple mouse click.
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CardioSoft users can benefit from a host of optional software packages that further enhance the ECG data output.
- The ability to export ECG data to Microsoft™ Word™ and Excel™ files is used by many researchers for further data analysis outside of CardioSoft
- The ability to export reports as a PDF will allow users to import the ECG report into SentrySuite ≥ 3.0 software as part of the complete CPET
- T-Wave Alternans option identifies ECG pattern specific to cardiac repolarization resulting in a T-wave morphology alternation on an every-other-beat basis and can be used to help identify patients at risk of sudden cardiac death

Collecting good ECG data is one thing, but simplifying the post-test data review is also key.
- Quickly move through Review tabs will allow users to view the data in a more meaningful way and provides consistency in workflow- Test Summary, Tabular Summary, Graphic Trends, Sample Cardiac Cycles, ECG Strips, Arrhythmia Review, and Full Disclosure all available
- With a simple, time-saving mouse click, users can mark for print to final report, or unmark for print to the final report
- CardioSoft stores Full Disclosure ECG and users can review every beat of every lead of the entire test

By using the interpretation template guide, users will generate faster, more complete impressions. Users can pre-format statements for the important aspects of reviewing an exercise ECG. Merely clicking on a statement brings it into the Conclusion window, which can be saved as is, or overwritten with further edits.
- Reasons to terminate
- Resting ECG
- Functional Capacity
- HR response to Exercise
- BP response to Exercise
- Chest pain
- Arrhythmias
- ST changes
- Overall impression

There is a good chance that different types of patients will be coming through your lab, and therefore, different reports will need to be generated. CardioSoft makes printing the right report easy with its report selection menu guide- you choose what to include in each report from a easy-to-use, single screen.
- Choose from configured reports of which can be pre-formatted by users
- Add Tabular Summary by stages or detail
- Add Graded Exercise Summary by either Max ST or Peak Exercise
- Add Selected Medians to report
- Add Sample Cardiac Cycles
- Add ECG strips, only those selected or all collected
- Add Arrhythmia Review, either selected or all collected